8 1/2 (Hakka Nibun Noichi)

8 1/2 (Hakka Nibun Noichi) is a unique store where film, music, and flowers intersect. The store's name comes from Federico Fellini's movie “8 1/2,” and it offers a large selection of movie soundtracks that movie fans will love.
Hakka Nibun Noichi is also a flower store, and while emphasizing the affinity between vinyl records and flowers, the shop strives to offer a selection of products that even customers who have never been exposed to vinyl records can pick up and enjoy. Recently, they have been receiving more and more orders for bo

uquets based on movies and music.
8 1/2” is a store that offers new discoveries to all who visit.

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8 1/2 (Hakka Nibun Noichi)
11:00 - 20:00 (closed on Thursdays)
1-22-2 Gotokuji, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

Featuring: New Music/ Old Music
Genre: Soundtrack
Stock quantity: approx. 1000 copies