Mr. Disco Kid

Could you share the thoughts and ideas behind this mix?

I've aimed to balance musical elements with club sound. I made a conscious effort to transition from works based on solid musical theory to music that creates a world with less information density, like club music. For example, I want listeners who enjoy musically complete songs in genres like SOUL, JAZZ, and ROCK to also appreciate the allure of club music, which immerses them in an extraordinary world. Additionally, I'd be happy if club fans understood that club music has roots in the history of music written like JAZZ and classical scores, and I hope they can find common ground in that.


Can you tell us about your approach to creating mixes?

I start by thoroughly listening to each track from beginning to end, considering the era it was released, the cultural and regional background, and the people involved. I try to understand what the producers intended to communicate to their audience and then build the mix based on these insights.


What methods do you prefer when searching for new music? Do you still enjoy browsing for music in record stores, or have you come to prefer online purchases?

I enjoy going to record stores and discovering music I'm unfamiliar with. For records that aren't listed on the internet or in the Discogs database, I often purchase them from local dealers in their country of origin or buy from collectors' record collections.


Besides DJing, what stimulates your creativity?

Practicing piano, reading music scores, and learning about the history of music through books and documents. Physical activities like strength training and dieting, as well as inspiration from luxury fashion and vintage tribal accessories, also fuel my creativity.


Do you have any advice for those looking to start a career as a DJ?

Embrace taking the long route and learn about history. Don't be afraid to fail and continue to express the music you believe in. Remember that anything of value takes time to achieve, which allows you to approach it slowly and thoroughly. Always cherish the intentions of the artists who created the tracks and treat their music with respect.


What plans do you have for 2024?

I plan to continue learning through trial and error, aiming to grow even a little bit every day compared to the previous day, and repeat this process every day of the year.

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Mr. Disco Kid

10代半ば、ヒップホップを入り口にDJ活動をスタート。 その後、ディスコやソウル、レアグルーヴ等のVintage Recordへ傾倒していく過程で、楽曲の魅力を最大限に伝えることを目的としたプレイスタイルへ移行。同時に、UNKNOWN且つハイクオリティな音楽を追い求め、単身で海外でのレコードの買い付けを始める。レコードへの愛や探究心が縁を結び、世界中のコレクターやDJ アーティスト (TUXEDO , Giles Peterson , ANTAL 等)からその審美性や知識、情熱を信頼され取引を直談判されるようになる。 2018年にはイギリス、欧州各国から錚々たる DJ陣が出演するStockholm Soul Weekenderへ初の日本人ゲストDJとして出演。【再現性に捉われず“オーディエンスとの一期一会を大事に”最高の音楽体験を提供する】という自身が追求し続けてきた矜持の下、披露したプレイにDJ陣、オーディエンスから熱い賞賛を受ける。 以降もNTS Radio Showへのミックス提供等、海外とのコネクションを軸に活動。2022年の恵比寿LIQUIDROOMで行われた小袋成彬とMelodies InternationalのツアーでのDJプレイも記憶に新しい。近年は東京に拠点に移し、DJ BAR Bridge新宿にてレジテントを務め 第4 水曜日 7時間ソロセットを行なっている。 DJとレコードディーラー。オーバーグラウンドとアンダーグラウンド。それぞれの価値観を超え、包括した独特のフィルターと音楽への尽きぬ愛を持って、まだ誰も知らない新しい音、新しい解釈を日々探求、提案し続けている。