Eita Godo

Could you share the thoughts and ideas behind this mix?

I put together a mix of Italo, Afro, re-edits, and Asian tracks—music that makes you want to dance under the sun, perfect for the warmer weather.


Can you tell us about your approach to creating mixes?

When constructing a set on my own, unlike at a party, I pay close attention to the narrative structure—introduction, development, climax, and conclusion. I'm skilled at gradually increasing the BPM, and I enjoy weaving tracks together as if turning the pages of a book.


What methods do you prefer when searching for new music? Do you still enjoy browsing for music in record stores, or have you come to prefer online purchases?

For new releases, I make sure to check online and reserve the ones I really want. I also enjoy visiting stores in person to see what I might discover. I have to be careful not to go too often though, because I always end up buying something!


Besides DJing, what stimulates your creativity?

I really dig items chosen by someone else's hands, you know? Like, whether it's from a select shop or a fine bottle of wine, I find myself drawn to things infused with the curator's emotions. It's like, interacting with those selections often sparks something within me.


Do you have any advice for those looking to start a career as a DJ?

If you want to give it a shot, I think you should just go for it right away. What I've been saying all along is that being a DJ is an extension of that old tradition of sharing your favorite tunes with a friend by passing them an earbud. When you find a great track and immediately want to share it with someone, that's when you know you're already a DJ!

What plans do you have for 2024?

I'm planning to do a small-scale tour in Korea and invite artists from Europe in the fall.

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Eita Godo

Born and raised in Tokyo. Started DJing at 18. In December 2017, launched the popular party "KEWL" at Omotesando VENT, inviting renowned artists like Floating Points and Hunee. Also an organizer of the sunset party "Sunset The MARINA," establishing a unique Balearic style of selection. Since 2020, responsible for selecting records for guest rooms at the K5 hotel in Nihonbashi Kabutocho. Played at the grand final of Shin-Kiba ageHa in 2022. In 2023, invited CC:DISCO! to Japan and played in South Korea. In addition to DJing, curates playlists for brands, selects records for venues, and produces channels for USEN. Continues to explore the essence of music with selections full of love for music, transcending the boundaries of dance and lounge music.