Could you share the thoughts and ideas behind this mix?

The recording day was a warm spring day with cherry blossoms falling. Spring started all at once, and amidst the excitement, the cherry blossoms were scattering. I wanted to create a mix that captures the fleeting essence of spring in pale colors.


Can you tell us about your approach to creating mixes?

Usually, I start with one or two tracks that I definitely want to include in the mix. I combine how I feel at the moment with the sense of the season, add a setting (where, when, and who will listen to it), and then materialize it. First, I collect about 30 tracks close to my image, then narrow it down to about 10. If I have time, I also research the titles and lyrics of the songs.


What methods do you prefer when searching for new music? Do you still enjoy browsing for music in record stores, or have you come to prefer online purchases?

Lately, I mostly search for music online through music sites and social media. Online, I tend to fall into my own habits, so I'd like to increase encounters with new music through record shopping, including impulse buys based on album covers. Leaving home, feeling the air and season of the city, the songs I find in record shops feel more colorful.


Besides DJing, what stimulates your creativity?

When I'm not DJing, I like to dance on the floor and think. I also enjoy researching the processes and attitudes towards daily work of various creators, not limited to DJs, and draw inspiration from them. I also gather information from TV and radio. I think about how I can translate the beauty of changing seasons, the scent of flowers, and the shapes of clouds into music.

Do you have any advice for those looking to start a career as a DJ?


As I grow to cherish more songs, places, and people, I often ask myself, "Why do I choose these?" I believe this introspection leads to originality. Since no two nights are ever the same, I encourage you to enjoy each unique encounter.


What plans do you have for 2024?

I plan to launch a party that can be named after me, and if possible, start producing music from edits. Also, I want to lose some weight and get new artist photos taken.

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レギュラー:毎月第一金曜日@AOYAMA TUNNEL、毎月第二・四金曜日@DJ BAR Bridge 新宿、Music Of Many Colours